Panoramic windows, lots of air and stylishcountry-style interior, cozy veranda with a viewoverlooking the forest and river, a real wood-burning fireplace.
Up to 55 people
Check-in after 15:00, check-out before 12:00
Summer veranda with bar
A vast space of air and wood, covering an area300 m2, located on a beautiful site near a smallpond, surrounded by forest. The main veranda is locatedon the 1st floor, bar area on the 2nd. Green lawn near the verandaallows you to expand space and moveguests to the open air. Panoramic locationvenue allows for an outdoor ceremonyregistration using a decorative arch.
Up to 125 people
Check-in after 15:00, check-out before 12:00
Hall "Tea House"
A small but very cozy area with an intimateatmosphere. On the walls are hunting trophies, in the centerthe house is a real wood-burning stove.
Up to 30 people
Check-in after 15:00, check-out before 12:00
Banquet hall "Alpine Chalet"
The living room with a wood-burning fireplace and its own bar is idealsuitable for a small cozy wedding. The hall is locatedin one room with a number of rooms, where you caneasy to accommodate guests, and a lounge that is easyturns into a dance floor. Opens from the verandabeautiful view of grazing horses and endless fields.
Up to 15 people
Check-in after 15:00, check-out before 12:00
Summer veranda No. 3
A secluded cozy veranda overlooking the forest will becomeexcellent option for intimate eventsHere you will be surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere,created by soft lighting, summer green foliageand natural materials in decoration.
Up to 40 people
Check-in after 15:00, check-out before 12:00
Banquet hall "Lesnoy"
Summer veranda with bar
Hall "Tea House"
Banquet hall "Alpine Chalet"
Summer veranda No. 3
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